21 November 2012

The number 100

A lot can be said about this number. Let's take a look at some of its properties:

- 100 is the first 3 digit number when we count from 0 onwards.
- It consists of only 1's and 0's hence we can also find this presentation in binary numbers where it would represent the number 4.
- It is an even number.
- It's divisible by 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100.
- It is equal to 10 squared.
- The square root of 100 is 10.
- It represents a century (in terms of years or cricket).
- There were 100 dalmatians, in the movie 101 Dalmatians, with spots, except for Spotty who only developed his spots at the end.
- It can be represented by the Roman numeral C.
- The year 100 was a leap year!
- If we factorize 100 we have: 100 =
- It is a natural number (hence also rational and real).
- In terms of percentages it represents the full 'amount', i.e. 100% in a test would mean that you answered everything correctly. 100% profit would mean your profit will be equal to the cost price.

For some more interesting facts see: Facts about 100.

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