08 September 2007

Definition of Mathematics

Faced with the question of what the definition of mathematics is got me thinking... And to tell you the truth, I am still thinking.
Can such a vast field ever be pinned down to one specific definition?
Consider infinity, now try to capture that into one thing... Okay, so it's got a name, but the definition of that name is also kind of, uhm, infinite?
So many things still to be proven, discovered and studied, I don't really believe that there can be a definition of mathematics.
Care to differ? Feel free to give your opinion.
I found this definition at http://www.allnewuniverse.com/:
A great language and like any language may be used to describe emotions as well as ideas - truths and philosophies - facts and fiction. We must be very alert to distinguish what math is telling us. Math by itself is not fact!

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