01 March 2008

This year started with a bang! and is now in full swing.
This year I'm also into statistics and programming in addition to the math and I'm truly enjoying every moment. (Well, maybe not EVERY moment...)

Everything is real interesting and what I like about second year is that you more clearly start to see where everyting you learn will fit in with real life.

Of course it is hard work and lots of studying, but I'm sure in the end it will all be worth it. (Not meaning the end of the world, but merely the end of the year).

The more you learn the more you want to learn. This is actually true, believe it or not. Especially when you're really enthusiastic and want to ask questions such as: "But what if... ". That's real fun. It gets your mind working and you also start to realize and understand things you haven't before.

Life without math would have been:
- Boring
- Incomprehensible
- Empty
- Ignorant
- Non-existent

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